Perechin Timber-Chemical Plant – Evolution over time

The Perechin Timber and Chemical Plant OJSV was founded.
It was owned by an Austrian-Hungarian joint-stock company
BANTLIN, which produced mainly charcoal, acetic acid and other
products from beech wood.

Several reconstruction projects were carried out during 1922
and 1923.
For example, the conversion of all equipment into electricity
powered. This has greatly expanded the plant’s capacities and
brought it to a golden age. However, world economic crisis in
1929 had hit PTCP badly – forcing it to lay off workers and
even leading to temporary lockout.

Installation of new equipment and production reorganization had brought PTCP to a fast recovery after the war.
In 1957 the production of urea-formaldehyde resins began. In 1962, a permanent working retort, the second in the USSR, began to operate.

1970s and 80s
A new retort and a steam boiler-house were installed and started operating.
Some important developments in this period include: the
conversion of all equipment into gas powered, introduction of carbamide resin and building of a new ethyl
acetate workshop which was equipped with advanced

1993-97 marks the most difficult period in the plant’s history.
Unstable situation in former USSR has drastically hit
Ukrainian economy which in a fortnight has brought it to a steep dive. No
business can escape economic slowdown, neither can PTCP. While
production of ethyl acetate and charcoal fell sharply,
urea-formaldehyde resins production came to a haul.

This year marks the entrance of PTCP’s present holder, the POLYPROM GROUP Ltd, into the scene.
During the privatization process, The Polyprom Group Ltd.
purchased controlling shares of the plant and became its
dominant holder. New ideas and directions were introduced and
brought PTCP to the state we can observe today.

A second vertical retort came into operation. It has increased our charcoal production capacity to 25 000 tons a year.

The plant was certified with ISO 9001:2000.